Credits to the original novel\movie Stargate belong to Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich. Stargate2 was created by Dave Oblad, 1995. Special thanks to id Software for an incredible game and Renegade Graphics for a super Doom level Editor. Put stargat2.wad in your doom2 directory. Play using command: Doom2 -file stargat2.wad [enter] Storyline: It has been many years since the Stargates have been discovered and exploited. While duplication of this device has escaped mankind, it and many others around the galaxy have been activated, bringing many different species together for the first time. All was well until one of the Overlords, a clone of Ra, discovered the network set up by the Human Race. Under Ra's direction, the Gates have been placed under control of local military forces, which now take orders only from the new Overlord. You are one of the best agents still operating freelance. Having been hired by the underground resistance, your mission is to destroy the the network. This can be achieved by destroying the Nexus Computer located in the same secret base as the Earth Node Stargate. The military have built in a self destruct mechanism, but access to the Master Destruct Switch can only be accomplished by the use of three keys. These keys are scattered and under guard at the Desert World Stargate Node. The resistance has managed to sneak you inside the Nexus Base and from here on the show is Yours! Starting out, you remember the final words of the resistance leader: You will have no friends, no help, you are our last hope, and if you fail... then We are all Doomed! You take a deep breath, focus your senses, and set out to kick some major alien ass! Good Luck.... PS. From the author: Enjoy and SAVE often!